The Code Administrator as a Critical Friend
In order to ensure market participants are provided with the support they need, a Code Administrator has a role as a ‘critical friend’. The main aspects of the critical friend role are outlined below:
Our role |
Contents |
Providing Primary Contacts |
Please follow the following link to key industry contacts.
If you have any questions, you can either contact your company Contract Manager |
Providing key information to support code parties |
Our team are here to help you and we can provide information on:
We have also created a DCUSA welcome pack to provide a plain English summary of the code and its requirements. We now issue the welcome pack to new parties, but if you would like a copy to circulate across your organisation, just let us know through contacting our helpdesk. |
Providing website guidance to code parties |
The DCUSA website is reviewed regularly to ensure it provides parties with the information they need in an area where they would expect to find it. The home page has a quick access section to aid parties to the main areas, such as:
There is also easy navigation to specific areas using the toolbar on the top of the page. |
Providing Pre-Panel Information |
Being Impartial |
As an experienced Code Administrator, we provide an independent Secretariat to support industry meetings and also independent Chairs for each Working Group or Sub-Group set up by the DCUSA Panel.
We also support smaller market participants on all Change Proposals through asking basic questions and playing devil’s advocate in solution developments and when required. |