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Dylan Townsend

Dylan Townsend

Governance Delivery Manager

I joined the DCUSA team at ElectraLink in November 2016 as an Analyst as part of the team responsible for delivering code administration services to the Distribution Use of System Agreement (DCUSA). The role initially involved carrying out the technical secretariat functions for the DCUSA Panel and Board and a number of Change Proposal Working Groups.

I then stepped up into a Senior Analyst role, where I took on the role of chairing various Change Proposal Working Groups, updating the DCUSA document for each release (including identifying errors and suggesting corrections). The role also meant that I started managing internal & external projects, engaging with clients, and supporting junior colleagues. I also became somewhat more specialised in the DCUSA Charging Methodologies and worked on almost all charging related Change Proposals since 2017, including: DCPs 243, 266, 283/284, 287, 319, 321, 341, 342, 358, 359, 360, 361, 387, 388, 389 as well as assisting the team with the Access SCR changes (DCPs 404, 405, 406 and 407).

In May 2022, the opportunity became available to jointly manage the DCUSA team, with the role I chose being focused on the general delivery of all non Change Proposal related tasks, including managing the end-to-end Panel and Board processes, Accessions, Withdrawal, Derogations, the DCUSA Sandbox and many of the ad-hoc background processes that keep things running as smoothly as possible.

Additionally, I have played a major role in all phases of the DCUSA digitalisation journey, including website refreshes and digitisation of the document.