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Fitting of settlement meters on networks not connected to existing networks

27 - Fitting of settlement meters on networks not connected to existing networks

  • Proposer
  • Proposing Company E.ON UK PLC
  • Status Closed
  • Urgent No
  • Synopsis

    We have been asked via our MOP to connect meters on a new piece of network before it has been connected to the existing network, generally due to wayleaves having not been agreed with landowners. The intention is that the network is then supplied via on site temporary generation until wayleaves can be agreed. We have concerns over this practice and would like to understand what the view is on the following questions.

    If a generator is connected onto a new development does then become a private network?

    If settlement meters are installed who is appointed data collector/aggregator?

    What happens reference to settlement of units used once the installation is connected to the network?

    Are all individual installations checked for correct polarity once transferred from generator to Network?

    What if the generated supply becomes longer term due to wayleaves etc?

    What happens if the individual properties change Supplier?