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Distributor use of the data as provided in the D0036 / D0275 data flow

18 - Distributor use of the data as provided in the D0036 / D0275 data flow

  • Proposing Company E.ON UK PLC
  • Status Closed
  • Urgent No
  • Synopsis

    Half Hourly metering data is provided to Distributors to enable them to calculate Use of System charges for HH settled demand customers.

    The data is provided by the Half Hourly Data Collector by using either the D0036 (Validated Half Hourly Advances for Inclusion in Aggregated Supplier Matrix) or D0275 (Validated Half Hourly Advances) industry data flows.

    Within both these flows the consumption is shown under Item J0177 Period Metered Consumption, for which the logical format is to one decimal place.

    However a Distribution Company is rounding this data to the nearest whole number when the MRA Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) clearly defines that the consumption is to one decimal place. As a result of this, we are unable to carry out full and vigorous validation of the HH DUoS invoices. We feel that this is a breach of DCUSA.

    Under Clause 21 – Site Specific Billing and Payment, it states that the Use of System Charges shall be based on data from metering equipment or any Equivalent Meter provided by the user.