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Clarification of Use of Estimated Data Prepared by the Company

Standard Withdrawn


Clarification of Use of Estimated Data Prepared by the Company

DCP031 - 'Clarification of Use of Estimated Data Prepared by the Company' seeks to improve the accuracy of Use of System charges by clarifying the scope for using estimated data prepared by the Company. At present we can receive accounts which are based on estimated data prepared by the Company despite actual or estimated data being supplied to them by the relevant Data Collector. The resulting charges are calculated on volumes that do not accurately reflect those which have been metered and submitted into Settlements. It is proposed that where the User has supplied data then this must be used in the calculation of charges and only where there is no data will the Company be permitted to prepare their own estimates as required to substitute for this missing data. An example of this in practice would be where the Data Collector has provided the Company with AI data, either Actual or Estimate, but hasn’t provided RI or RE data. In this instance we would expect the Company to use the AI data as provided while they would be permitted to estimate RI and RE data as required.