Changes to the Method of Cost Allocation Employed in the Price Control Disaggregation Model for DNO Indirect Cost Categories Specifically Associated with the Volume of Customers Using The DNO Network
DCP097 - 'Changes to the Method of Cost Allocation Employed in the Price Control Disaggregation Model for DNO Indirect Cost Categories Specifically Associated with the Volume of Customers Using The DNO Network' seeks to change the driver used to determine the allocation of operational expenditure to the network levels in the Price Control Disaggregation Model (as undertaken in the “Calc - WPD Opex Allocation” worksheet in the Price Control Disaggregation Model). Additionally, it was believed that the IT/Telecoms costs and Property Management costs should be allocated as opposed to being assigned “do not allocate”. The intent of this change proposal is that Customer Numbers or MEAV be used as the cost driver for these costs.
The CP seeks to change the driver to the method of cost allocation employed in the Price Control Disaggregation Model, used to determine the allocation of operational expenditure to the network levels in the Price Control Disaggregation Model (as undertaken in the 'Calc - WPD Opex Allocation' worksheet in the Price Control Disaggregation Model).