Addition of Black and Yellow Tariff to Portfolio Billing
DCP188 - Addition of Black and Yellow Tariff to Portfolio Billing||As detailed within Schedule 19 of DCUSA, the EDNO shall provide a report to the DNO Party. The contents of this report are listed in sequence for each invoice raised in respect of half-hourly settled connections in Paragraph 3.3.
Para 3.3 only requires the report to include the DNO partys unit rate units (in kWh) for each MPAN covered by the invoice data for the red/amber/green time-bands.
The intent of this proposal is to ensure that the report provided by the EDNO includes data relating to the new black and yellow time-bands implemented for Pseudo HH unmetered supplies following the approval of DCP 130.
For clarity, this change only effects the schedules and not the methodology or the currently published tariffs.||