The implementation of the Access SCR Decision requires changes to a number of industry documents.
Whilst the main parts of the decision will be implemented through changes to the DCUSA, other aspects of the decision will be implemented through amendments to the model form of the DNO Statements of Methodology and Charges for Connection, the Distribution Licence, and the Electricity Connection Charge Regulations (ECCR).
Non-firm access options for distribution connected users are not available to Small Users or unmetered users. Small Users are defined as “households and non-domestic users that are billed on an aggregated and non-site-specific basis or who are metered directly using whole current meters”.
Therefore, changes to the connection terms are needed for users affected by the Access SCR Decision. These terms are currently documented in Schedule 2B Section 3 (National Terms of Connection) and Schedule 2C (Suggested Bespoke Connection Agreement).
Whilst the Access SCR Decision refers to arrangements for ‘non-firm’ access, it is proposed to use terms Curtailable and Non-Curtailable in this CP. This is to aid clarity as the term ‘non-firm’ has different meanings in different situations.
The new DCUSA Schedule will focus on the following areas:-
• the Bilateral Arrangements between Distributors and Customers to reflect the curtailment arrangements:
• the methodology for determining the curtailment limits; and
• the methodology for setting the price where a distributor exceeds the maximum curtailment hours.
The CP also includes minor changes to Schedule 22 (Common Connection Charging Methodology) to ensure the costs of any equipment needed to manage the curtailment are borne by the customer.
The impact of the Access SCR Decision on the Connections Application process will be addressed in changes to Sections 1 to 3 of the DNO Statements of Methodology and Charges for Connection. Each DNO is required to publish such a statement and the form of this statement is approved by Ofgem.
DNOs have collectively developed the current form of the statement and it is used by all DNOs. DNOs will collectively amend the form of the statement as required and seek form approval from Ofgem. This is out of scope of this CP.
The Access SCR Decision will also need to be reflected in connection offer terms made by DNOs (and IDNOs) to customers. For competition reasons these terms are specific to each distributor and not agreed collectively. Each distributor will therefore be responsible for amending their own terms and this is out of scope of this CP.
The changes to access arrangements will be the same regardless of whether a customer connects to a DNO or IDNO network and this is covered by this CP. There will however need to be changes to the bilateral arrangements between DNOs and IDNOs which are set out in Section 2B (Terms and Conditions) and Schedule 13 (Bi-lateral Connection Agreement). A separate CP covering these changes will be raised.