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Safe Isolation Provider (SIP) Party Accession – Applications Open

Safe Isolation Provider (SIP) Party Accession – Applications Open

**Please note** this is an archived news item! We’ve created a new page for SIP related information which can be found at: Safe Isolation Provider (SIP) Overview where you can learn about the role of a SIP and what steps are needed to become a SIP.


What is a Safe Isolation Provider?

A Safe Isolation Provider (SIP) is an entity that will have the ability to De-Energise and subsequently Re-Energise any electricity Metering Point connected to the Distribution System of a Licenced Distribution Network Operator to allow for safe working on a Customers electrical equipment.

How and why has the SIP role been introduced?

Currently only the Registered Supplier can instruct a Metering Equipment Manager (MEM) to work on their metering asset. There is no ability for a Customer to request that a single MEM completes work on, for example, multiple properties that may have different Electricity Suppliers. This creates barriers to developing solutions for local authorities, private and social housing landlords who are, as an example, refurbishing premises or to help any premise owner install new equipment to facilitate Low & Zero Carbon Technology installation such as the retro-fit of Electric Vehicle Charging Points to homes.

Implementation of DCP 394 on 29 June 2023, widened the scope of the DCUSA such that an existing MEM who is accredited under the Retail Energy Code, is able to Accede to the DCUSA in order to put in place the necessary legal/contractual permissions between such an entity and the Licenced Distribution Network Operator and Registered Supplier so that the entity can undertake Safe Isolation Works at the request of a Customer without the need to be the Registered Suppliers’ MEM.

How do you become a SIP Party?

There are several important requirements to be aware of and that need to have been fulfilled in order to become and operate as a Safe Isolation Provider and we have worked with our colleagues across the relevant code bodies to create an overview of the requirements and the order in which they’ll need to happen. This overview has been published by the REC Code Manager and can be located via:

Further information 

If you are looking to better understand the background and discussions that led to the introduction of the SIP role, feel free to review the material related to the DCUSA Change Proposal (DCP) 394 which can be found here.

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