BEIS consultation on proposed changes to the DCUSA to facilitate the installation of Alt HAN Point-to-Point Equipment
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has published their response to the consultation they issued on proposed changes to the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) to facilitate the installation of Alternative Home Area Network (Alt HAN) Point-to-Point Equipment located near smart electricity meters such that they may be connected to and draw power from the distribution network.
BEIS’ response includes a summary of consultation responses received and the their conclusions following the consultation (Annex A) and updated legal drafting (Annex B). The changes to the DCUSA, along with a package of other changes to the Smart Energy Code and gas and electricity supply licences are being laid before Parliament today (15 July 2021) in line with the procedural requirements of S89 of the 2008 Energy Act. Further information about when the changes are likely to take effect will be communicated in due course.
BEIS’ response (including the associated annexes) can be found here.
What was BEIS consulting on?
BEIS issued a consultation on 28 May 2021 on proposed changes to the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) to facilitate the installation of Alternative HAN Point-to-Point Equipment (P2P Equipment) located near the Electricity Smart Metering Equipment (ESME), such that it may be connected to and draw power from the electricity distribution network in line with the practice for existing smart metering equipment. The deadline for responses to the consultation was 25 June 2021. The consultation document and associated annexes (including the proposed amendments to the DCUSA) can be found here.